Little Shop of Horrors
Opening/ Pre-Show
Skid Row
Grow For Me
Somewhere That's Green
Feed Me!
Transition to Dentist Office
Now! (It's Just the Gas)
End of Act 1
Call Back In The Morning
Suddenly Seymour
Meek Shall Inherit
Somewhere That's Green Reprise
Little Shop of Horrors
Little Shop of Horrors

Connecticut Repertory Theatre

**This production was halted due to the COVID19 measures put in place by the University of Connecticut that closed the campus (and therefore the theatre venues on that campus) in the interests of safety. As such, the following photos are of the final model of the show depicting select scenes with the model assembled and lit by myself.

Director: Dexter J. Singleton

Scenic Designer: Kristen P. E. Zarabozo

Lead Assistant (Assoc.) Scenic Designer: Amber Meadows

Assistant Scenic Designer: Ray Dondero

Puppet Designers: Will Smith and Robert Cutler

Costume Designer: Jessica Haswell

Assistant Costume Designer: Brittny Mahan

Lighting Designer: Samuel Biodollilo

Lead Assistant Lighting Designer: Chandler Corracio

Assistant Lighting Designer: Kelly Dainauglt

Sound Design: Hide J. Nakajo

Assistant Sound Designer (Content): Mack Lynn Gauthier

Assistant Sound Designer (Mixer): Daniel Landry

Technical Director: Kimberly Kinan

Assistant Technical Director: Gavin Parker

Opening/ Pre-Show
Opening/ Pre-Show

Skid Row
Skid Row
Grow For Me
Grow For Me
Somewhere That's Green
Somewhere That's Green
Feed Me!
Feed Me!
Transition to Dentist Office
Transition to Dentist Office
Now! (It's Just the Gas)
Now! (It's Just the Gas)
End of Act 1
End of Act 1
Call Back In The Morning
Call Back In The Morning
Suddenly Seymour
Suddenly Seymour
Meek Shall Inherit
Meek Shall Inherit
Somewhere That's Green Reprise
Somewhere That's Green Reprise